Sea travel 2024: Specific tips for international visitors coming to Nha Trang, Vietnam

If you're planning to visit Nha Trang at the beginning of the year 2024, here are some specific tips for international visitors during this time.

Check for Special Events:

Investigate if there are any special events, festivals, or activities happening in Nha Trang during your visit. This can add an extra layer of enjoyment to your trip.


  • Fly: Cam Ranh International Airport is 35 kilometers from the city center. You can take a taxi or the airport bus to reach the city center.

  • Train: Nha Trang is connected to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City by train, with several train turns departing from each station.

  • Bus: You can take a bus from Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang, with the journey taking approximately 1 to 2 hours.

Book Accommodations in Advance:

As the beginning of the year is a popular travel time, especially around the holidays, it's advisable to book your accommodations in advance to secure your stay.

Activities and Attractions: 

  • Beaches: Nha Trang is known for its beautiful beaches, such as Tran Phu Beach and Bai Dai Beach.

  • Diving and Snorkeling: The city is a popular diving destination, with numerous dive shops offering trips to nearby islands and reefs.

  • Island Hopping: You can take a boat tour around Nha Trang's islands, visiting places like Po Nagar Cham Temple and enjoying the stunning scenery.

  • Van Phong Bay: This beautiful bay is a must-visit destination for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters.

  • Yolo Hopping Tour: This local tour provides visitors with a memorable and enjoyable day of water-based activities, offering a unique and enjoyable experience in Nha Trang.

Nha Trang is a small city, so you can easily explore it by walking, renting a motorbike, or taking a taxi. For longer distances, you can take a bus or boat to reach nearby attractions.

Budgeting and Payments:

The beginning of the year is always a suitable time for travel to have a relaxing and memorable vacation. Therefore, preparing a spending plan is extremely necessary. During this holiday, there may be surcharges in some places, however, the good news is that the surcharges are not too high. The cost of a trip to Nha Trang varies depending on your preferences for accommodation, activities, and dining. For a basic trip with two nights and one day, you can expect to spend around $30 to $60 per person in holiday.

Ensure you have local currency (Vietnamese Dong) for small purchases and markets. Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels and larger establishments, but it's good to have cash on hand for smaller transactions.

Local Cuisine:

Nha Trang is known for its delicious local cuisine, including seafood, vegetarian dishes, and traditional Vietnamese dishes. Be sure to try some of the local specialties during your visit.

Remember to stay flexible with your plans, embrace the local culture, and enjoy the unique experiences that Nha Trang has to offer during the end-of-year season.

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